I'm going to write the names of the documented Iraqi civilians who died in the Iraq war using data from Iraq Body Count (www.iraqbodycount.org) on recycled index cards. As of October 29th, 2010, the count was up to 107,594. So, that means I'm going to write over hundred thousands index cards. My idea is to experience the magnitude of the destruction through my action. I also what to challenge myself to see how much time I am willing to put aside from my daily routine to do this. Honestly, I do know what writing these names mean to me especially most of the names would be 'Unknown' as most victims are not yet identified. But I think I would never know until I do it.
I don't what I am going to do with the index cards yet. Depending on how this project goes, I hope I can show them in the future.
I will start this process by writing it in public at Grace Exhibition Space, Brooklyn as part of the 'Future Is Now!' show as a durational performance on 11/19/2010.